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Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Best Noise Reduction Software

These days one of the thing most of us photographers obsess about is the noise performance. Whenever a new camera comes out the first thing we want to know is how good is it with high iso levels, it is one of the first test we want to see. However, there is another factor that could have an equally large impact on the amount of noise you will have in your final image, that factor is "post-processing".

A lot of photographers might be unaware, or just haven't got around to trying several software out there designed specifically for reducing noise in an image, but I have to say that many of them can produce superior results to just using the noise reducing function in a general image processing software.

So I have made a short list of programs here that might be useful to anyone out there interested in trying, or looking for such programs.

Noise Ninja

Neat Image


These three are probably the best such softwares available right now. I think all of them offer a free demo, so you can try them all out if you want to see which one works best for you.

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